As we finish up the year, I want you to reflect on what makes a great reader. There are a number of strategies that can be used to become a better reader, and to work towards becoming a life long reader. What are important reading strategies? Why is it important to continue to read everyday? What advice would you give to younger students who are learning to read?
5/29/2013 10:30:04 pm

Important reading stratiges are reading stratiges that are important to be a good reader. it is important to continue to read everyday so we can become better at reading. advice i would give to younger students who are learning to read is dont give up when things are hard dont quit there will be challenges with reading.

5/29/2013 10:30:40 pm

to do more gist for language arts as a strategy is the better way to learn. i would incourgae kids that are starting to learn to read would be to never stop reading they never in up with out a job.

michaela grant
5/29/2013 10:31:04 pm

I think the strateiges to being a great reader are comprehension and making sure you are paying attention to the book and you are getting it. It is important to read everyday because you will get smarter and you will have great success because you will have more knowledge because you have read more books each day. My advice i would give to the students that are learning how to read now, is that to more and more when you learn how to read better, you should read a lot more books, so you can get smarter in school.

5/29/2013 10:31:38 pm

Important reading strategies that are important to use while reading is visualize, read slowly, and use context clues if you dont know a menaing of a word. Advice that I would be giving younger students who are learning to read is to never stop reading and to ready carefully and make sure to understand the whole story. ALways make connections with a book.

5/29/2013 10:32:09 pm

Some important reading strategies are that you have to read everything carefully. You have to make sure you think about what you are reading, and to process it in your mind. You have to make sure you understand the characters, and what is happening in the book you are reading.
It is important to continue to read everyday, because you have to make sure you keep your skills. Just because it is the summer, you don't want to lose everything you have worked hard to learn.
Advice I would give to younger students who are learning to read, is that they should keep trying. Reading is an important skill everyone must learn to be productive in you lifetime. I would say that they should keep praticing to the best of their abitlity.

5/29/2013 10:34:39 pm

It is important to be a life long reader for many reasons. Some skills that will help readers do better are to vizulize and make perdictions. It is important to read everyday because it will help you progress and do better in life. I would tell a reader that is struggaling to go back and review what you have recently read and pronuciate the words you are having a hard time with.

Alisha peanut butter:)
5/29/2013 10:34:44 pm

The reading strategies are that make sure that you understand what you are reading if not ask a teacher if they read the book. If the teacher ask her what the meaning of the book and help you understand it.
It is important to kept reading because you will become better readers everytime you read a book. That will help you understand more and help you with grades. Then you can kept up in school when you read in class.
The advice I will give a read that is having problems is to ask the teacher about the book or kept reading so you can get better at reading. If you don't want to read, instead think about it twice and tell your self that you have to get better at reading.

Patrick Ryan Shilson
5/29/2013 10:34:52 pm

Important reading stategies are the Gist, Visualization, etc. It is important to read every day because reading inproves your grammar, vocab, and all of your reading skills. I would tell them if you read a lot you can be one of the smartest people in the world.

Lilly ( penguin \(^.^)/)
5/29/2013 10:37:39 pm

The more imporant reading strategis is to have a flu reader to help your grammer. To read everyday will help you with your language and tenique grammer to help with an thing , the advice i would give the younger students who are learning how to read is sound out every word you dont know and use your words are it to help you if you dont know ask and look it up or something


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    Miss Witka, Language ArtsTeacher  and Social Studies teacher in Indianapolis, Indiana. Passionate about reading, writing, and learning history!


    November 2012
    October 2012

