Eva and Miriam are still at Auschwitz when the concentration campl is liberated. How do you think they felt? What would you do if you were imprisoned and then all of a sudden freed at a young age without your parents around ?

ari aleman
11/14/2012 11:41:01 pm

I think Eva and Miriam felt excited that finally they could leave and go home but them he thought about it and there is not way they can get home their mom and dad and sisters are all dead ! If i was Eva or Miriam i would have been sad but at the same time happy i could do whatever i want ! but they are only 11 years old they cant take care of them self !

11/14/2012 11:41:34 pm

I would be sad and probably move to a better place to stay

Olivia Perkins
11/14/2012 11:42:03 pm

I think Eva and Miriam felt like crying but like I said before they have to stay strong. If I was imprisoned and suddenly freed I would be full of joy but I don't have any one to tell me I am doing a good job or for someone to tell me right from wrong. I really think I would have lost my cool and just did nothing because I wouldn't have any one to say good job I mean yes i do have my twin sister but still she has like the same brain as me so.

11/14/2012 11:42:10 pm

I think Eva and Miriam were sad scared.If i was imprisoned at a young age i would be sad because my childhood is gone and I don't have my parents

11/14/2012 11:42:26 pm

I would try to escape with out being seen or killed

Emily Asis
11/14/2012 11:42:51 pm

I think Eva and Miriam felt confused, but still felt like a prisoner. If I were imprisoned and freed at a young age, I would feel alone and confused because no one is with me and I would not know what to do after being liberated.

11/14/2012 11:43:50 pm

When the Concentration Camp was libereated i think they felt happy because they were getting freed and if i was imprisoned then i was freed at a young age i would go to my grandma's house because i know her address by heart but if you ask i won't tell you.

marisol canchola
11/14/2012 11:44:01 pm

i think that eva and miriam felt with mixed emotions because they migth be happy mad or sad but how I would feel is sad not nkowing wats nex scare of not finding my familly not having an adult with me to take care of us =(

11/14/2012 11:44:02 pm

I think Miriam and Eva felt happy because the camp was free. If I was young and imprisoned at a young age with no parents around, I would go somwhere else.

11/14/2012 11:44:28 pm

If I were imprisoned and freed at young age, I would feel helpless and confused. I would feel that way because for all your life you had a family to take care of you, now your by youself. Also I would feel confused because if i was 11 and had no one to go to be sides my twin sister, i wouldnt know what to do, I still don't know what i'd do.

11/14/2012 11:44:46 pm

How I think they feel is badly, like they have been betrayed by the people they thought were friends. By their parents for not coming to save them. What I would do if I was alone and freed was I'd be sad and all but I would have to do whatever I needed to do to keep me and my twin alive. So I would hide somewhere until mornings, find food and water and start building a shelter. While I was looking for food and water, I would try to find some help, like someone I could trust.

11/14/2012 11:45:32 pm

I think Miriam and Eva felt scared and happy at the same time. I think that because they would be happy to be freed,but i think they would be scared because they dont know where their parents are.If i was imprisoned at a young age and then freed i would be scared because i wouldnt know where my parents were.

11/14/2012 11:45:43 pm

I would be mad and sad mad at the Nazis and Adolf Hitler but sad because my parents are most likely dead.

Araceli Macias
11/14/2012 11:46:05 pm

I think Eva & Miriam were happy because they are going to be free and go home alive. But they will be sad because they will not have family and a home to live and they are only 11 years old. But their cousin came to take them to their aunt's house to live.

11/14/2012 11:46:24 pm

I think they felt very scared because they were guns shooting everywhere ands tons of bombs exploding. I wouldn't know what to do because they were imprisoned for so long and probably forgot about what it was like in the outside world. When I finally was freed I would be devastated because me and my sister would be the only one's in my family left. I can't imagine what it would be like without my parents.

11/14/2012 11:46:34 pm

What i they felt is very happy joyful because they finally get to go home and go along with their family if i was in prison and my family wasn't around i will cry because i will miss them so much i will not have any body to take care of me and that is why i will feel so sad and i will cry

11/14/2012 11:48:47 pm

I think they might of felt happy/scared because they weren't with their family and they were just with the Sovit solders and other prisoners. I would just stay were I knew I was safe and I would pray to God for help with a life without parents and try to do the best i can and help my little sisters and brother out.

11/14/2012 11:49:15 pm

I would be excited if I was freed but if I was left there alone, like Eva and Miriam were. I would be scared and I wouldn't know what to do. I would probably look for food and becareful of what I pick, and make sure it wasn't poisened. If I was freed and I couldn't find my parents I would be nervous about what would happened to them.

11/14/2012 11:49:37 pm

Not sure it got pulised just checking

11/14/2012 11:50:26 pm

sorry not right one

11/14/2012 11:50:40 pm

eva and miriam feel sad becuse they dont have a family to live with them and there parent died and they were at a young age.i would feel sad because they help me and do thing for me


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    Miss Witka, a junior high Langauge Arts and Social Studies teacher in Indianapolis, Indiana. Passionate about reading, writing, and learning history!


    October 2012

