The Holocaust was a horrible time in the World's history that is essential for all grades to learn about in school. Having the opportunity to read non-fiction novels, historical fiction novels, and viewing documentraies will give everyone a better understanding of what happened during this time period. The non-fiction novel, Suriving the Angel of Death is an account of one child's memories of the despair that happened to the Jewish race in Eurpoe during World War II. At the beginning of the novel, the child discusses all the happiness that her family had living in their village in Romania. Then, they are asked to pack up their their belonginngs, and leave. How would you react if this happened to your family? Describe the feeling of not knowing what would happen to you, your family, of the house that you were raised in as a young child.


    Miss Witka, a junior high Langauge Arts and Social Studies teacher in Indianapolis, Indiana. Passionate about reading, writing, and learning history!


    October 2012

